2015/01-2017/08, 南方科技大学,物理系,博士后
1. 13年透射及扫描电镜操作经验,其中透射电镜操作机时超过10000小时;
2. 熟悉双球差校正电镜FEI Titan和普通JEOL 3010,FEI Tecnai F20和F30透射电镜操作及日常管理;
3. 熟悉单、双倾样品台、Gatan加热杆、FEI MEMS heating 加热杆、Tomo三维重构样品杆的使用和原位数据分析技术;
4. 熟悉EDS、EELS和STEM等配件使用;
5. 熟悉FEI Helios 600i 、Scios FIB(聚焦离子束)电镜操作;
6. 熟悉JSM-6700F等扫描电镜操作;
7. 熟悉利用衍射花样、高分辨TEM和HAADF像、能谱等实验结果,结合像模拟技术进行材料结构和成分的分析技术。
1. 熟悉电解双喷制样技术(金属材料);
2. 熟悉离子减薄、FIB制样技术(陶瓷等脆性材料);
3. 熟悉铜网制样技术(粉末等纳米材料);
4. 熟悉Nano mill制样技术。
5. 了解超薄切片制样技术(生物样品)。
1. L.W. Fu, M.J. Yin(1st coauthor), D. Wu, W Li, D. Feng,L Huang*, J. Q. He* Large Enhancement of Thermoelectric Properties in n-type PbTe via dual-site point defects and potential barriers, Energy and Environmental Science, Accepted, 2017
2. Meijie Yin, Di Wu, Jiaqing He*. Evolvement of microstructure and lattice thermal conductivity in Na doped PbTe–PbS pseudo−binary system, Journal of Materiomics, 2016 (2):150-157.
3. Y. Pei, C. Chang, Z Wang, M.J. Yin, M.H. Wu, G.J. Tan, L. Zhang, S. Gong, T.J. Zhu, X.B. Zhao, L. Huang, J. Q. He, M. G. Kanatzidis and L.-D. Zhao,*IMultiple converged conduction bands in K2Bi8Se13: A promising thermoelectric material with extremely low thermal conductivity, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016,138, 16364
4. Chen, Yue-Xing ,Ge, Zhen-Hua,Yin, Meijie,Feng, Dan,Huang, Xue-Qin,Zhao, Wenyu,He, Jiaqing *,Understanding of the Extremely Low Thermal Conductivity in High-Performance Polycrystalline SnSe through Potassium Doping ,Advanced Functional Materials,2016.10.4,26(37):6836~6845
5. M. J. Yin, J. H. Chen*, S. B. Wang, Z. R. Liu, L. M. Cha, S. Y. Duan, C. L. Wu. Temperature-dependent growth of the S-phase precipitates in relation with the Guinier-Preston- Bagaryatsky (GPB) zones in AlCuMg alloys. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2016(26):1-11
6. 尹美杰, 陈江华, 刘春辉*. 中断时效处理对AA2024铝合金力学性能和显微结构的影响. 中国有色金属学报, 2015(25):3271-3281.
7. S B Wang, J H Chen*, M. J. Yin, Z R Liu, D W Yuan, J Z Liu, C H Liu, C L Wu, Double-atomic-wall-based dynamic precipitates of the early-stage S-phase in AlCuMg alloys. Acta Materialia, 2012(60):6573–6580.
8. M. J. Yin, D D Risanti*, Jiang Hua Chen and S. van der Zwaag. TEP study on the microstructural development in AA2024 during interrupted ageing. Advanced Materials Research, 2010(89-91):669-674.
9. D D Risanti*, M. J. Yin, Jiang Hua Chen and S. van der Zwaag. The Mechanical Properties of AA2024 as Function of the Interrupted Ageing Conditions. Materials Science Forum, 2010(638-642):449-454.
10. D D Risanti*, M. J. Yin, P E J. Rivera Díaz del Castillo, S. van der Zwaag. A systematic study of the effect of interrupted ageing conditions on the strength and toughness development of AA6061. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2009(523):99-111.