姓 名:刁东风(工学博士) (English CV)
职 称:讲席教授(日本工程院外籍院士)
***刁东风、1992年获得日本东北大学博士学位。1993-2002年先后任文部教官助教-讲师-副教授(东北大学,静冈大学)(1996年JSPS杰出青年,2010年JSPS-fellow,2020年日本工程院外籍院士),2002-2012年任西安交通大学特聘教授/上海交通大学兼职教授,2003-2013年任教育部重点实验室主任。2013-至今任深圳大学特聘教授/讲席教授、电镜中心主任、纳米表面科学与工程研究所所长。JCR1区FRICTION杂志的Associate Editor,Lubrication Science编委,日本工程院外籍院士,广东院士联合会院士会员。
(1) 量子制造与量子传感
(2) 超高分辨纳米结构信息
I. 国家自然科学基金
(2)接触聚焦电子诱导碳-钢界面的低摩擦原理及其应用研究(面上批号:51975383, 2020.01--2023.12 在研)
(3)高密度纳石墨烯嵌入式纳米表面的低摩擦高效率发电原理研究(面上批号:51575359, 2016.01--2019.12 结题)
(4)功能化大面积纳米结构的模板调制成形基础研究(重大研究计划集成批号:91323303, 2014.01--2017.12)
(5)球形纳米粒子气膜的润滑原理研究(批号:51175405,2012.01--2015.12 结题)
(7)ECR-A1203纳洞充Co磁记录体的摩擦退磁防护与检测(批号:50775173, 2008.01--2010.12 结题)
(8)ECR 纳米碳膜的制备及摩擦学行为研究(批号:50475092, 2005.01--2007.12结题)
II. 国际自然科学基金
(1)ECR碳基薄膜的超低摩擦接触机理研究(NSFC 海外联合基金2010.07--2011.06结题)
(2)ECR碳基纳米纹理与结构薄膜的摩擦接触机理研究(美国 TTRF 基金:2009.01--2009.12结题 )
(3)ECR微型转子轴承系统起停摩擦学行为测试方法研究(日本NSK-EMTAF 基金:2005.01--2007.01结题)
III. 国家863研发项目
IV. 国际合作项目
V. 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金
VI. 深圳市基础布局项目
(1)低能电子照射下二维材料边缘嵌入式纳米表面的设计制造及应用研究(学科布局:2016.07-2020.07 结题)
4.SCI-Publications (2013年以来发表的论文)
= 2020 =*corresponding author
(62) Liangliang Huang,Yuanyuan Cao and Dongfeng Diao*, Electrochemical corrosion behaviors of N-doped graphene sheets embedded carbon films in acid, Applied Surface Science, 544(2021)148781.
(61) Xi Zhang Lulu Tian and Dongfeng Diao*, High-response heterojunction phototransistor based on vertically grown graphene nanosheets film, Carbon, 172(2021)720-728.
(60) Zezhou Lin, Zheng Wang, Xi Zhang* and Dongfeng Diao, Superhydrophobic, photo-sterilize and reusable mask based on graphene nanosheet-embedded carbon (GNEC) film, Nano Research, accept.
(59) Weiqiang Zhang, Linfeng Deng, Lei Yang, Ping Yang, Dongfeng Diao*, Pengfei Wang*, Zhong Lin Wang*, Multilanguage-handwriting self-powered recongnition based on triboelectric nanogenerator enabled machine learning, Nano Energy, 77(2020),105174.
(58) Yuanyuan Cao, Liangliang Huang and Dongfeng Diao*, High electrochemical activity induced by doping oxygen in graphene sheets embedded carbon film, Advanced Materials Interface, (2020)2000694.
(57) Lei Yang, Kai Qi, Dongfeng Diao*, Pengfei Wang and Peidong Xue, Magnetostrictive friction of graphene sheets embedded carbon film, Carbon, 519(2020)617-624.
(56) Cheng Chen, Xue Fan and Dongfeng Diao*, Ultrasmooth nanocrystalline carbon film induced by low concentration doping: carbide band disorienting graphene nanocrystallite, Carbon, 158(2020)69-76.
(55) Liangliang Huang, Yuanyuan Cao and Dongfeng Diao*, Electrochemical activation of graphene sheets embedded carbon films for high sensitivity simultaneous determination of hydroquinone, catechol and resorcinol, Sensor and Actuators B, 305(2020)127495.
(54) Kun Sun and Dongfeng Diao*, Current density effect on current-carrying friction of amorphous carbon film,Carbon, 157(2020)113-119.
= 2019 =
(53) Jiannan, Peidong Xue and Dongfeng Diao*, Thermally induced atomic and electronic structure evolution in nanostructured carbon film by in situ TEM/EELS, Applied Surface Science, 498(2019)143831.
(52)Pengfei Wang, Peidong Xue, Cheng Chen, Dongfeng Diao*, Structural and Tribological Behaviors of Graphene
Nanocrystallited Carbon Nitride Film, Applied Surface Science, 495(2019)143591.
(51) Kun Sun, Xue Fan, Weiqiang Zhang, Peidong Xue and Dongfeng Diao*, Contact-focusing electron flow induced graphene sheets formation in amorphous carbon film for fast low-friction, Carbon, 149(2019)45-54.
(50) Peidong Xue, Cheng Chen and Dongfeng Diao*, Highly sensitive flexible strain sensor based on wribkled graphene nanocrystallite carbon film, Carbon, 147(2019)227-235.
(49) Weiqiang Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Kun Sun, Chao Wang, Dongfeng Diao*, Intelligently detecting and identifying liquids leakage combining triboelectric nanogenerator based self-powered sensor with machine learning, Nano Energy, 56(2019)277-285.
(48) Liangliang Huang, Yuanyuan Cao and Dongfeng Diao*, Surface N-doped graphene sheets induced high electrochemical activity for selective ascorbic acid sensing, Sensors and Actuators B, 283(2019)556-562.
(47) Xi Zhang, Zezhou Lin, Da Peng, Lei Ye, Jianfeng Zang, Dongfeng Diao*, Edge-states enhanced ultrahigh photo-responsivity of graphene nanosheets embedded carbonfilm/silicon heterojunction, Advanced Materials Interface, (2019)1802062.
(46) Meiling Guo and Dongfeng Diao*, Enhanced graphene-edge-induced magnetism by O2 introduction during electron irradiation assisted carbon film growth, Applied Surface Science, 484(2019)941-947.
(45) Liangliang Huang, Yuanyuan Cao and Dongfeng Diao*, N-doped graphene sheets induced high electrochemical activity in carbon film, Applied Surface Science, 470(2019)205-211.
(44) Xi Zhang, Zezhou Lin, Da Peng and Dongfeng Diao*, Bias-Modulated High Photoelectric Response of Graphene-Nanocrystallite Embedded Carbon Film Coated on n-Silicon, Nanomaterials, 9(2019)327.
(43) Xi Zhang, Da Peng, Zezhou Lin,Wencong Chen and Dongfeng Diao*, Edge effect on the photodetection ability of the graphene nanocrystalline embedded carbon film coated on p-Silicon, Rapid Research Letter, (2019)1800511.
= 2018 =
(42) Xue Fan and Dongfeng Diao*, Ion excitation and etching effects on top-surface properties of sp2 nanocrystallited carbon films, Applied Surface Science, 462(2018)669-677.
(41) Kun Sun, Dongfeng Diao*, Lei Yang, Weiqiang Zhang, Xue Fan, Nanosized Graphene sheets enhanced electron field emission behavior in pure carbon film, Thin Solid Films, 664(2018)124-129.
(40) Wencong Chen, Xi Zhang and Dongfeng Diao*, A fast semi-analytical method for precise prediction of ion energy distribution functions and sheath electric field in multi-frequency capacitively coupled plasmas, Applied Physics Express, 11(2018)056201.
(39) Weiqiang Zhang, Dongfeng Diao*, Kun Sun, Xue Fan and Pengfei Wang, Study on friction-electrification coupling in sliding-mode triboelectric nanogenerator, Nano Energy, 48(2018)456-463.
(38) Cheng Chen, Peidong Xue, Xue Fan, Chao Wang and Dongfeng Diao*, Friction-induced rapid restructuring of graphene cap layer at sliding surfaces: short run-in period, Carbon, 130(2018)215-221.
(37) Liangliang Huang, Yuanyuan Cao and Dongfeng Diao*, Nanosized graphene sheets induced high electrochemical activity in pure carbon film, Electrochimica Acta, 262 (2018)173-181.
(36) Peidong Xue, Lei Yang and Dongfeng Diao*, Nanocrystalline/amorphous Biphase Enhanced Mechanical Properties in Multilayer Carbon Films, Surface and Coatings Technology, 334(2018)1-6.
= 2017 =
(35) Wencong Chen, Xi Zhang and Dongfeng Diao*, Low-energy electron excitation effect on formation of graphene nanocrystallites during carbon film growth process, Applied Physics Letters, 111(2017)114105.
(34) Pengfei Wang and Dongfeng Diao*, Low Friction of Graphene Nanocrystalline Embedded Carbon Nitride Coatings Prepared with MCECR Plasma Sputtering, Surface and Coatings Technology, 332(2017)153-160.
(33) Lei Yang and Dongfeng Diao*, Structure and Dynamics of Water Confined in Graphene Nanochannel Under Gigapascal High-Pressure: Dependence of Friction on Pressure and Confinement, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19(2017)14048-14054.
(32) Yuanyuan Cao and Dongfeng Diao*, Physical mechanism of surface roughening on the radial core-shell nanowire heterostructure with alloy shell, AIP Advances, 7(2017)055006.
(31) Chao Wang and Dongfeng Diao*, Self-magnetism induced large positive magnetoresistance at room tempreature region in graphene nanocrystallited carbon film, Carbon, 112 (2017) 162-168.
= 2016 =
(30) Chao Wang, Cheng Chen and Dongfeng Diao*, Top surface modification of carbon film on its structure, morphology and electrical resistivity using electron-ion hybrid irradiation in ECR plasma, Surface and Coatings Technology, 308(2016)50-56.
(29) Lei Yang#, Gaijuan Hu#, Dongqing Zhang and Dongfeng Diao*, Photoelectric behavior of graphene sheets embedded carbon film on p-silicon substrate, Applied Physics Letters 109, 031910(2016).
(28) Cheng Chen, Chao Wang and Dongfeng Diao*, Low energy electron irradiation induced carbon etching:triggering carbon film reacting with oxygen from SiO2 subsrate, Applied Physics Letters 109, 053104(2016).
(27) Lei Yang, Qi-Zhang and Dongfeng Diao*, Cross-linking-induced frictional behavior of multilayer graphene:origin of friction, Tribology Letters 62(2016)33.
(26) Chen Cheng, Xue Fan and Dongfeng Diao*, Low-energy electron irradiation induced top-surface nanocrystallization of amorphous carbon film, Applied Surface Science, 384 (2016) 341–347.
(25) Peidong Xue, Lei Yang and Dongfeng Diao*, ECR sputterring and eletron/ion alternative irradiation for multilayer carbon film fabrication with tunable layer thickness, Surface and Coatings Technology, 296 (2016) 26–32.
(24) Xue Fan and Dongfeng Diao*, In situ TEM obervation of adhesion induced re-indentation, Applied Surface Science, 362 (2016) 49– 55.
= 2015 =
(23) Lei Yang and Dongfeng Diao*, Tensile Strain-induced Magnetism Transition in Multilayer Graphene with Excess Electrons: Stability of the Edge-Quantum Well, AIP ADVANCES 5, 127106 (2015).
(22) Meiling Guo, Dongfeng Diao*, Lei Yang, Xue Fan, Restructured graphene sheets embedded carbon film by oxygen plasma etching and its tribological properties, Applied Surface Science 357 (2015) 771–776.
(21) Chao Wang, Xi Zhang and Dongfeng Diao*, Nanosized graphene crystallite induced strong magnetism in pure carbon, Nanoscale, 7(2015)4475-4481.
(20) Wenlei Zhang and Dongfeng Diao*, Three-layered sandwich structured carbon film prepared by ECR ion/electron/ion alternative irradiation technigure, Surface and Coatings Technology, 278(2015)12-17.
(19) Qi Zhang, Dongfeng Diao*, Momoji Kubo, Nanoscratching of multi-graphene layers by molecular dynamics simulations, Tribology International, 88(2015)85–88
(18) Zhiru Yang, Dongfeng Diao*, Hongyan Fan, Xue Fan, Experimenal study on Load Capacity of Nanoparticles-laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 67-3(2015)233-239.
(17) T. Kang, S.Y. Huang, J.J. Huang, Q.H. Li, Dongfeng Diao* , The effect of diamond-like carbon films on fretting wear behavior of orthodontic archwire-bracket contacts, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15 (2015) 4641-4647.
= 2014 =
(16) Xi Zhang, Chao Wang, Chang Q Sun and Dongfeng Diao*, Magnetism induced by excess electrons trapped at diamagnetic edge-quantum well in multi-layer graphene, Appl. Phys. Lett., 105 (2014) 042402.
(15) Cheng Chen, Dongfeng Diao*, Xue Fan, Lei Yang and Chao Wang, Frictional behavior of carbon film embedded with controlling-sized graphene nanocrystallites, Tribology Letters, 55 (2014) 429-435.
(14) Meiling Guo, Dongfeng Diao*, Xue Fan, Lei Yang, Liwei Yu, Scratch Behavior of Re-structured Carbon Coating by Oxygen Plasma Etching Technology for Magnetic Disk Application, Surface and Coatings Technology, 251 (2014) 128-134.
(13) Lei Yang and Dongfeng Diao*, Contact Stress Induced Micromagnetic Behavior in Magnetic Recording Disk, Tribology Letters, 54(2014)287-295.
(12) Hongyan Fan, Dongfeng Diao*, Zhiru Yang and Xue Fan, The Lubrication Performance of Nanoparticles-Laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing under Non-Contact and Contact Conditions, ASME,Trans., Journal of Tribology,136 (2014) 034505.
(11) Zhiru Yang, Dongfeng Diao*, Xue Fan and Hongyan Fan, Nanoparticles-Laden Gas Film in Thrust Bearing, ASME,Trans., Journal of Tribology, 136(2014)043501.
= 2013 =
(10) Qi Zhang and Dongfeng Diao*, Dangling bonds Induced Cross-Linking Structure in Nanoscrached Graphene Layers, Surface &Coatings Technology, 237(2013) 230-233.
(9) S.Y.Huang, J.J.Huang, Dongfeng Diao* and Y.Z.Duan, Reduction of fluoride-induced corrosion and improvement of frictional properties by coating NiTi archwires with diamond-like carbon films, J Mater Sci: Mater Med, 24(2013)2287–2292.
(8) Cheng Chen and Dongfeng Diao*, Tribological Thermostability of Carbon Film with Vertically Aligned Grapheen Sheets, Tribology Letters, 50(2013)305-311.
(7) Xue Fan, Kenji Nose, Dongfeng Diao* and Toyonobu Yoshida, Nanoindentation Behavior of Amorphous Carbon Films Containing Nanocrystalline Graphite and Diamond Prepared by Radio Frequency Sputtering, Applied Surface Science, 273 (2013) 816-823.
(6) Zhiru Yang, Dongfeng Diao* and Lei Yang, Numerical Analysis on Nanoparticles-Laden Gas Film Thrust Bearing, CSME, Trans., J. Mech. Engineering, Vol.26, No.4(2013) 675-680.
(5) Dongfeng Diao*,Chao Wang, Xue Fan, Frictional Behavior of Nanostructured Carbon Films, Friction, 1(2013)63-71.
(4) Tianxiao Cai, Pengyu Zhang and Dongfeng Diao*, Carbon Coated Silicon during Sliding Wear against Si3N4 Ball, ASME,Trans., Journal of Tribology, 135 (2013) 021401-10.(3) Qi Zhang and Dongfeng Diao*, Potential of Graphene Layer Controlling NanoWear during C60 Intrusion by Molecular Dynamics Si mulation, Wear, 306 (2013)248-453.
(2) Chao Wang and Dongfeng Diao*, Magentic Behavior of Graphen Sheets Embedded Carbon Film Induced by Graphene Nano Crystallite, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 (2013) 052402.
(1) DongfengDiao and Koji Kato, Wear and Wear Maps of Hard Coatings, Friction and Wear of Bulk Materials and Coatings (2nd Editi on), Elsevier B.V., 2013, Page 387-403.