








2020/9-至今,   深圳大学电镜中心,特聘副研究员

2018/5-2020/8, 深圳大学纳米表面科学与工程研究所,机电与控制工程学院,副研究员

2017/4-2018/4, 日本冲绳科学与技术大学院大学(OIST),博士后




2007/9-2011/6   四川大学,物理科学与技术学院,物理学专业,理学学士




嵌入式纳米石墨烯碳膜中电子输运特性调控的原位电子显微研究” (项目编号:11904235), 2020.01-2022.12, 在研




2018/9     深圳市“孔雀计划”海外高层次C类人才

2019/5     深圳市南山区“领航人才-C类””



1.  球差校正透射电镜操作使用经验8年。

2.  熟悉双球差校正透射电镜FEI Titan,单球差环境透射电镜FEI Titan ETEM,单球差透射电镜JEOL ARM200F,JEOL 2100F(球差校正版本)的操作及日常管理。

3.  熟悉DENS solution 热电杆,Gatan加热杆、FEI MEMS 加热杆、Protochip加热杆,Tomo三维重构样品杆的使用和原位数据分析技术。

4.  熟悉EDS、EELS谱学使用与定性定量分析

5.  熟悉利用定量电镜数据结合成像模拟技术进行材料尺寸、结构与成分分析



1.  Jian, N., Xue, P. & Diao, D. Thermally induced atomic and electronic structure evolution in nanostructured carbon film by in situ TEM/EELS analysis. Applied Surface Science 498, (2019).

2.  Jian, N., Bauer, K. & Palmer, R. E. Towards production of novel catalyst powders from supported size-selected clusters by multilayer deposition and dicing. Nanotechnology 28, (2017).

3.  Jian, N., Dowle, M., Horniblow, R. D., Tselepis, C. & Palmer, R. E. Morphology of the ferritin iron core by aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy. Nanotechnology 27, (2016).

4.  Jian, N. & Palmer, R. E. Variation of the core atomic structure of thiolated (AuxAg1-x)312±55 nanoclusters with composition from aberration-corrected HAADF STEM. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 11114–11119 (2015).

5.  Jian, N., Stapelfeldt, C., Hu, K. J., Fröba, M. & Palmer, R. E. Hybrid atomic structure of the Schmid cluster Au55(PPh3)12Cl6 resolved by aberration-corrected STEM. Nanoscale 7, 885–888 (2015).

6.  Porkovich, A.et al. In Situ Observation of Metal to Metal Oxide Progression: A Study of Charge Transfer Phenomenon at Ru-CuO Interfaces. ACS Nano 13, 12425–12437 (2019).

7.  Danielson, E.et al. Gas-Phase Synthesis for Label-Free Biosensors: Zinc-Oxide Nanowires Functionalized with Gold Nanoparticles. Scientific Reports 9, 1–10 (2019).

8.  Liu, J.et al. Exploring the atomic structure of 1.8 nm monolayer-protected gold clusters with aberration-corrected STEM. Ultramicroscopy 176, 146–150 (2017).

9.  Cai, R., Jian, N., Murphy, S., Bauer, K. & Palmer, R. E. A new method to prepare colloids of size-controlled clusters from a matrix assembly cluster source. APL Materials 5, (2017).

10. 1Rogers, S. M.. Tandem Site- and Size-Controlled Pd Nanoparticles for the Directed Hydrogenation of Furfural. ACS Catalysis 7, 2266–2274 (2017).

11. Pandey, R., Jian, N., Inberg, A., Palmer, R. E. & Shacham-Diamand, Y. Copper Metallization of Gold Nanostructure Activated Polypyrrole by Electroless Deposition. Electrochimica Acta 246, 1210–1216 (2017).

12. Rogers, S. M.. Tailoring Gold Nanoparticle Characteristics and the Impact on Aqueous-Phase Oxidation of Glycerol. ACS Catalysis 5, 4377–4384 (2015).



    1. The Electron Microscopy and Analysis Group Conference EMAG York, UK, 2013

    2. The Microscience & Microscopy Congress Manchester, UK, 2014

    3. UK catalysis hub winter conference, Oxford, UK, 2014

    4. SuperSTEM3 Launch and Seminar, Daresbury, 2015

    5. UK catalysis hub summer conference, Oxford, UK,2015

    6. Gold 2015 conference, Cardiff, UK, 2015

    7. The Microscience Microscopy Congress, Gottingen, Germany, 2015

    8. Microscopy Conference 2015, Manchester,UK,2015

    9. Faraday Discussion: 6. Designing New Heterogeneous Catalysts, London, UK, 2016