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中心助力我校在《Nature Communications》发表论文阅读次数 [1825] 发布时间 :2020-02-06 15:04:04

基于电镜中心(EMC)FEI电镜数据,深圳大学化学与环境工程学院何传新教授课题组在Nature Communications期刊上发表论文,摘要如下:

Carbon dioxide electroreduction on single-atom nickel decorated carbon membranes

 with industry compatible current densities

  • Hengpan Yang, Qing Lin, Chao Zhang, Xinyao Yu, Zhong Cheng, Guodong Li, Qi Hu, Xiangzhong Ren, Qianling Zhang, 

Jianhong Liu & Chuanxin He

        Carbon dioxide electroreduction provides a useful source of carbon monoxide, but comparatively few catalysts could be sustained at current densities of industry level. Herein, we construct a high-yield, flexible and self-supported single-atom nickel-decorated porous carbon membrane catalyst. This membrane possesses interconnected nanofibers and hierarchical pores, affording abundant effective nickel single atoms that participate in carbon dioxide reduction. Moreover, the excellent mechanical strength and well-distributed nickel atoms of this membrane combines gas-diffusion and catalyst layers into one architecture. This integrated membrane could be directly used as a gas diffusion electrode to establish an extremely stable three-phase interface for high-performance carbon dioxide electroreduction, producing carbon monoxide with a 308.4 mA cm−2 partial current density and 88% Faradaic efficiency for up to 120 h. We hope this work will provide guidance for the design and application of carbon dioxide electro-catalysts at the potential industrial scale.

