电镜中心用户2019年度论文发表情况阅读次数 [1724] 发布时间 :2019-12-03 16:39:44
截止至2019年11月底,本年度电镜中心用户依托中心设备发表高水平论文已统计到30篇,其中中科院一区论文16篇,包括JACS、Nanoenergy、Angewandte chemie及Carbon等多篇顶级期刊。使用电镜中心数据发表文章时,凡是在致谢或正文处明确说明数据来自“深圳大学电镜中心”,论文发表后可根据文章等级获得一定数量的八折优惠机时,即大一区10小时、大二区5小时、大三区2小时、深大理工学报及其它1小时。欢迎广大师生用户享受该优惠!
编号 | 文章 | 姓名 | 学院 | 期刊名称 | 中科院分区 |
1 | Wu J , Sun Y M , Wu Z , et al. Carbon Nanocoil-Based Fast-Response and Flexible Humidity Sensor for Multifunctional Applications[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019. | 孙燕明 | 微纳光电 | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 一区 |
2 | Chunqing Huo, Hua Jiang, Youming Lu, Shun Han, Fang Jia, Yuxiang Zeng, Peijiang Cao, Wenjun Liu, Xu Wangying, Xinke Liu, Deliang Zhu,Tunable photoluminescence effect from ZnO films of Ag-decorated localized surface plasmon resonance by varying positions of Ag nanoparticles,Materials Research Bulletin,Volume 111,2019, | 吕有明 | 材料 | Materials Research Bulletin | 二区 |
3 | Fabrication of tunable n-Zn 1-x Cd x O/p-GaN heterojunction light-emitting diodes.Xi Cheng, Shi Wei Xu, You Ming Lu * , Shun Han, Pei Jiang Cao, Fang Jia, Yu Xiang Zeng,Xin Ke Liu, Wang Ying Xu, Wen Jun Liu, De Liang Zhu. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019 776 646-653. | 吕有明 | 材料 | Journal of Alloys and Compounds | 三区 |
4 | K. Sun, X. Fan, W. Zhang, P. Xue, D. Diao, Contact-focusing electron flow induced nanosized graphene sheets formation in amorphous carbon film for fast low-friction, Carbon. (2019) | 孙琨 | 机电 | Carbon | 一区 |
5 | X. Zhang, D. Peng, Z. Lin, W. Chen, D. Diao, Edge Effect on the Photodetection Ability of the Graphene Nanocrystallites Embedded Carbon Film Coated on p-Silicon, Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters. 1800511 (2019) 1–6. doi:10.1002/pssr.201800511. | 张希 | 机电 | Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters | 二区 |
6 | X. Zhang, Z. Lin, D. Peng, D. Diao, Bias-Modulated High Photoelectric Response of Graphene-Nanocrystallite Embedded Carbon Film Coated on n-Silicon, Nanomaterials. 9 (2019) 327. doi:10.3390/nano9030327. | 张希 | 机电 | Nanomaterials | 二区 |
7 | Kan H, Zheng W, Lin R, et al. Ultrafast Photovoltaic-Type Deep Ultraviolet Photodetectors Using Hybrid Zero-/Two-Dimensional Heterojunctions[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2019, 11(8): 8412-8418. | 罗景庭 | 物理光电 | ACS applied materials & interfaces | 一区 |
8 | Li J, Xie Y, Zhang C, et al. Stacking Fault Induced Minimized Lattice Thermal Conductivity in the High-Performance GeTe-Based Thermoelectric Materials upon Bi2Te3 Alloying[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2019. | 李均钦 | 材料 | ACS applied materials & interfaces | 一区 |
9 | Tang R, Zheng Z H, Su Z H, et al. Highly efficient and stable planar heterojunction solar cell based on sputtered and post-selenized Sb2Se3 thin film[J]. Nano Energy, 2019, 64: 103929. | 梁广兴 | 物理光电 | Nano energy | 一区 |
10 | Wang P, Lao C S, Chen Z W, et al. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-12Si and Al-3.5 Cu-1.5 Mg-1Si bimetal fabricated by selective laser melting[J]. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2019. | 王沛 | 机电 | journal of materials science&technology | 二区 |
11 | Liu Z, Li Z, Li J, et al. Engineering of Ru/Ru 2 P interfaces superior to Pt active sites for catalysis of the alkaline hydrogen evolution reaction[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(10): 5621-5625. | 王超 | 机电 | Journal of materials chemistry A | 一区 |
12 | Guo J, Dai X, Wang C. Room-temperature anisotropic magnetoresistance of magnetic carbon films with vertically-grown graphene nanocrystallites[J]. Thin Solid Films, 2019, 690: 137527. | 王超 | 机电 | Thin solid films | 三区 |
13 | Wang P, Xue P, Chen C, et al. Structural and tribological behaviors of graphene nanocrystallited carbon nitride films[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 495: 143591. | 汪鹏飞 | 机电 | Applied Surface Science | 一区 |
14 | Zhang X, Lin Z, Peng D, et al. Edge‐State‐Enhanced Ultrahigh Photoresponsivity of Graphene Nanosheet‐Embedded Carbon Film/Silicon Heterojunction[J]. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2019, 6(11): 1802062. | 张希 | 机电 | Advanced Materials Interfaces | 二区 |
15 | Jian N, Xue P, Diao D. Thermally induced atomic and electronic structure evolution in nanostructured carbon film by in situ TEM/EELS analysis[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2019, 498: 143831. | 健男 | 机电 | Applied Surface Science | 一区 |
16 | Li X, Sun Y M, Zhang Z Y, et al. Visible light-driven multi-motion modes CNC/TiO2 nanomotors for highly efficient degradation of emerging contaminants[J]. Carbon, 2019, 155: 195-203. | 孙燕明 | 微纳光电 | Carbon | 一区 |
17 | Liu X, Chen Q, Li Y, et al. Synergistic Modification of Magnesium Fluoride/Sodium for Improving the Electrochemical Performances of High-Nickel Ternary (NCM811) Cathode Materials[J]. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166(14): A3480-A3486. | 王仁衡 | 物理光电 | Journal of The Electrochemical Society | 二区 |
18 | Xiao Z, Wang R, Li Y, et al. Electrochemical Analysis for Enhancing Interface Layer of Spinel LiNi0. 5Mn1. 5O4 Using p-Toluenesulfonyl Isocyanate as Electrolyte Additive[J]. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2019, 7: 591. | 王仁衡 | 物理光电 | Frontiers in chemistry | 二区 |
19 | Shi W T, Sun D L, Chen J Q, et al. Hydrothermal synthesis of aluminum-doped zincophosphate large single crystal with different morphology[J]. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2019, 507: 189-195. | 史文涛 | 物理光电 | Journal of crystal growth | 三区 |
20 | Li F, Zheng Z, Chang Y, et al. Synergetic tuning of electrical and thermal transport properties via Pb, Ag dual-doping in BiCuSeO[J]. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 2019. | 李甫/范平 | 物理光电 | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 一区 |
21 | Yang H, Wu Y, Li G, et al. Scalable Production of Efficient Single-Atom Copper Decorated Carbon Membranes for CO2 Electroreduction to Methanol[J]. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2019, 141(32): 12717-12723. | 何传新 | 化院 | JACS | 一区 |
22 | Hu Q, Li G, Huang X, et al. Electronic structure engineering of single atomic Ru by Ru nanoparticles to enable enhanced activity for alkaline water reduction[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7(33): 19531-19538. | 何传新 | 化院 | Journal of materials chemistry A | 一区 |
23 | Huang Z, Dai Y, Li Z, et al. Investigation on surface morphology and crystalline phase deformation of Al80Li5Mg5Zn5Cu5 high-entropy alloy by ultra-precision cutting[J]. Materials & Design, 2019: 108367. | 马将 | 机电 | Materials and Design | 二区 |
24 | Li X, Li L, Zhao H, et al. SnSe2 Quantum Dots: Facile Fabrication and Application in Highly Responsive UV-Detectors[J]. Nanomaterials, 2019, 9(9): 1324. | 李向阳 | 物理光电 | Nanomaterials | 二区 |
25 | Zhang L, Wang Y, Wu H, et al. A ZnO nanowire-based microfiber coupler for all-optical photodetection applications[J]. Nanoscale, 2019, 11(17): 8319-8326. | 张龙飞/王义平 | 物理光电 | Nanoscale | 一区 |
26 | 范雪,刁东风,超薄纳米薄膜的划痕硬度评价方法及应用,深圳大学学报理工版,36(5): 510-518, 2019 | 范雪 | 机电 | 深大理工学报 | |
27 | Chen Y X, Li F, Li D, et al. Thermoelectric Properties of Tin Telluride Quasi Crystal Grown by Vertical Bridgman Method[J]. Materials, 2019, 12(18): 3001. | 黎德龙 | 物理光电 | Materials | 三区 |
28 | Liu H, Xue Y, Shi J A, et al. Observation of the Kondo Effect in Multilayer Single-Crystalline VTe2 Nanoplates[J]. Nano letters, 2019. | 薛运周 | 化院 | Nanoletter | 一区 |
29 | Peng L , Ye S , Song J , et al. Solution㏄hase Synthesis of Few㎜ayer Hexagonal Antimonene Nanosheets via Anisotropic Growth[J]. Angewandte Chemie, 2019, 131(29). | 彭路成/宋军 | 物理光电 | Angewandte chemie | 一区 |
30 | ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b16781 • Publication Date (Web): 15 Nov 2019 | 张朝华 | 材料 | ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | 一区 |